2017 坎城青年創意競賽台灣代表隊選拔賽宣布評審:岡村 雅子、Breno Cotta 將擔任評審

(2016.10.24)2017 坎城青年創意競賽台灣代表隊選拔賽宣布評審:岡村 雅子、Breno Cotta 將擔任評審。


Masako Okamura 岡村 雅子

岡村 雅子 成為電通第一位女性創意總監以來,十年忽焉已過。在 2014 年,她擔下越南電通執行創意總監的任務。現在她不止經管日本客戶,也經管如 333 啤酒和 Jetstart Pacific 這類的越南客戶。她也剛在 2016 年擔任坎城青年創意競賽越南代表隊選拔賽的評審團主席。

岡村 雅子曾因為無數客戶創作的作品得獎,其中包括 Toyota、山多利、資生堂、富士軟片、泰國航空、以及靜岡放送等。她也擔任過坎城國際創意獎、Clio、YoungGuns、AdFest、亞洲創意獎 Spikes Asia、One Show、倫敦廣告獎、紐約廣告獎、藝術指導俱樂部廣告獎等的評審。在 2007 年,岡村 雅子曾是 Media(現在的 Campaign Asia-Pacific)雜誌評選亞洲得獎最多的創意總監前十名。

雅子還是大學兼任教授,在大學兼課長達 13 年。並且出版了一本名為「如何成為好撰文」的書。她曾在 14 個國家以 “Kawaii”(可愛)為主題演說,傳播日本文化的 “Kawaii” 精髓。



It’s been more than ten years since Masako became the first female Creative Director at Dentsu. In 2014 she took up the Executive Creative Director role at Dentsu Vietnam.  Now she handles not only Japanese but also Vietnamese clients such as Beer 333 and JetstarPacific.  She just  chaired Vietname Young Lions 2016.

Masako has numerous accolades under her belt with work for clients such as Toyota, Suntory, Shiseido, Fujifilm, Thai Airways International and Shizuoka Broadcasting. Then she has served on juries for Cannes, Clio, YoungGuns, AdFest, Spikes,

One Show, London International Awards, New York Festivals and Art Directors Club. She was awarded the Asian Top 10 Creative Directors in 2007 by Media magazine (now Campaign Asia-Pacific).

Masako has also been an associate professor at a local university for the last 13 years and published her first book, ‘How to Be a Copywriter’. She has spread the word ”Kawaii”, the essence for Japanese culture, in her speeches in 14 countries.

Meanwhile she has produced charity events for Sake breweries in the disaster-hit region in Japan as a Sake Sommelier. She loves football, and is a season ticket holder of Chelsea FC.

She already tailored three “ao dai” that is a Vietnamese costume.




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Breno 是西班牙/古巴裔,1996 年來就在西班牙工作。之前則在墨西哥工作了四年,擔任過墨西哥 McCann 的創意副總裁和墨西哥 Grey 集團的執行創意總監。在之前則是西班牙 Ruiz Nicoli Lineas 的創意長。他在坎城和 One Show 獲得過數個獎項,也得過一些其他的獎,包括以為 Ikea、Vodafone 和伊比利亞航空公司創作的作品獲得的 San Sebastian 和 Fiap Festivals 金獎等。他也在 2010 年首次擔任坎城創意獎評審,2011 年擔任 Fiap 評審和其他國際獎項的評審。生涯中他在幾個最著名的西班牙創意公司工作過,他為 BMW、Bimbo、和國際特赦組織等客戶的創作,是如「廣告檔案」等專業雜誌的常客。

2016 年,Breno 領導的團隊以為三星製作的「盲人泳帽」(Blind Cap)獲得坎城行動創意獎(Mobile Lions)金獅獎、和設計獎(Design Lions)銅獅獎。Breno 並受邀擔任 2016 年度 Eurobest 歐洲創意節整合(Integrated)、行動( Mobile)與數位技術(Digital Craft)獎評審。

Spanish/brazilian, working In Spain since 1996. Previously worked In Mexico for 4 Years as Vice President Creative at Mccann Mexico and ECD at Grey Group Mexico. Before that he had worked for 15 years In Spain. Former Chief Creative Officer of Ruiz Nicoli Lineas Group in Spain. He has won several awards at One Show and Cannes, and also carries a handfull of other awards including Gold at the San Sebastian and Fiap Festivals for brands such as Ikea, Vodafone and Iberia Airlines.

He has been Jury at Cannes 2010, at Fiap 2011, and at other numerous international festivals. Throughout his career he has worked at the best Spanish agencies such as SCPF, Tiempo BBDO, and Tapsa. His work is commonly published in Luerzer’s Archive Magazine For clients such as Grupo Bimbo, BMW and Amnesty International.



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