(2016.12.7)由於今(2017)年度 Young Lions 作品報名踴躍,作品的量與質超乎預期,Young Lions 主辦單位決定邀請第三位評審分攤評審工作,以確保所有選
斐伊恩 Ian Perkins ECD 執行創意總監
Name & Name 2014 Spikes Asia 設計獎評審
Ian 的簡介讀起來好像全球知名廣告公司排行榜。他從英國跟全
在 2004 年出版的 Infiltrate | The Front Lines of the New York Design Scene 一書中,Ian Perkins 也是書中由當時國際平面設計師聯盟(AGI)美國總會主
這段期間 Ian 為紐約攝影師Anita Giraldo 設計的識別系統被美國史密森尼亞博物館永久設計典藏。
Ian 隨後搬到澳洲,加入 Emery Frost。隨後是搬到新加坡重新加入 BBH。在新加坡期間,Ian 被 Campaign Asia 雜誌選為「35 位傑出年輕創意」榜。並領導 Levi’s、日本和印度 Axe 體香劑的設計,他也因此獲得 BBH 內部所選的「黑羊獎」。這也讓他被倫敦 Wieden & Kennedy 挖角,並於在倫敦期間以為《衛報》、Nokia、和 Lurpak 奶油,以及和東京 Wieden & Kennedy 合作創作的 Honda 廣告,還有與上海 Wieden & Kennedy 合作的 Nike、可口可樂與 Levi’s 廣告獲得許多獎項。
在全球眾多知名創意公司工作的經歷後,Ian 與台灣設計師 Tasha Chen 結婚後搬來台灣,並在名為「名與名」的精品創意公司領導
Ian 現由台灣竹北的工作室經營全球各地的品牌推廣專案,對於
Ian Perkins’ CV reads like a who’s who of creative agencies. Beginning at Bartle Bogle Hegarty London, Ian then joined one of the world’s original graphics companies – Chermayeff & Geismar, New York. Ian was selected as a top graphic designer in New York by the American Alliance Graphique Internationalle President, and Ian’s work was added to the Smithsonian design collection in USA. A move to Australia at Emery Frost was followed by joining Bartle Bogle Hegarty Singapore, where Ian was named “1 of 35 advertising young guns” by Campaign Asia and led creative for Levi’s, Axe Japan and Axe India, work which won BBH’s “Black Sheep Award” for best work of the network. Snatched up by Weiden & Kennedy London, Ian returned to England and won multiple pitches and awards for the Guardian, Nokia, and Lurpak and collaborated with Weiden & Kennedy Tokyo for Honda, and finally Weiden & Kennedy Shanghai, to Creative Direct on Nike, Coca-Cola and Levi’s.
Ian brings his skills for winning creative and effectiveness awards in advertising and design to boutique agency Name and Name in Taiwan, leading global, regional and local projects for Google, Puma, Adidas, Nike and Coca-Cola.